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Gefährdung durch North Dakota Straße Material kann Lungenkrebs erhöhen

Neue Daten zeigen, dass Menschen ausgesetzt sind, die mineralischen Erionite fand in den Kies Straße Materialien in North Dakota signifikant erhöhtes Risiko für die Entwicklung Mesotheliom, eine Art von Lungenkrebs in den meisten Fällen mit Asbest, verbunden sein können entsprechend der Forschung auf dem 2010 Chicago Interdisziplinäres Symposium in Thoracic Oncology dargestellt.
Dieses Symposium wird gesponsert von der American Society für Radiation Oncology (ASTRO), der American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), der internationalen Vereinigung für die Studie der Lung Cancer (ISLAC) und die University of Chicago.
Erionite ist ein Mineral, das kommt in der Natur und findet sich oft in vulkanischer Asche, der durch Verwitterung und Grundwasser geändert wurde. Erionite bildet spröde, Wolle-wie fibröse Massen in die Mulden Felsformationen. Die Farbe variiert von weiß bis zu löschen, und es sieht so transparent, Glas-wie Fasern.
Mit ähnlichen Eigenschaften zu einer Asbestexposition kommt kann Erionite Gesundheitsrisiken für diejenigen darstellen, die in den Fasern atmen. Erionite Exposition wurde mit einer noch nie da gewesenen Mesotheliom Inzidenz in einigen türkischen Dörfern in Kappadokien, und es wurde allgemein angenommen, dass die Belastung Erionite beschränkte sich auf diesem Teil der Welt.
Erionite Einlagen sind in mehreren Teilen der USA, California, Oregon, North Dakota, South Dakota, Arizona und Nevada. In Nord Dakota haben insbesondere Forscher fanden heraus, dass mehr als 300 Meilen von Straßen mit Erionite-belastetem Kies in den letzten 30 Jahren gepflastert wurden.
In dieser Studie finanziert durch NCI PO-1 "Pathogenese von Mesotheliom" und AACR Landon Innovator Award für International Cancer Research, internationale Forscher und ForscherInnen aus den USA, Italien und Türkei versucht, überprüfen Sie die möglichen Gesundheitsrisiken für diejenigen, die Erionite durch den Vergleich Luftproben, Microchemistry, Gewebeproben und andere Daten aus North Dakota mit jenen in betroffenen Teile der Türkei ausgesetzt.
"Basierend auf den Ergebnissen der Studie und unter Berücksichtigung der bekannten Wartezeit für Lungenerkrankungen, es ist Sorge um erhöhtes Risiko für Mesotheliom für die verfügbar gemachten Bewohner in North Dakota", sagte Michele Carbone, m.d., Ph.d., Hauptautor der Studie und Direktor des thorakalen Onkologie an der Universität von Hawaii Cancer Center in Honolulu. "Vorsichtsmaßnahmen sollten unternommen werden, um Exposition von Erionite verringern, die findet statt in Nord Dakota und kann in anderen Bereichen der USA wo große Vorkommen von Erionite vorhanden sind, wenn gestört stattfinden. Unsere Ergebnisse bieten die Möglichkeit, implementieren neue präventiv- und frühe Erkennung Programme in den USA, was, in der Türkei getan wurde ähnlich."
Die abstrakte erschien unter dem Titel: "Erionite Exposition in North Dakota ist vergleichbare zum, dass Found in türkischen Dörfern, die eine hohe Inzidenz von Mesotheliom erleben."
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Dringende Asbestverbot alle gegebenenfalls Experten fordern

Wissenschaftler an das Collegium Ramazzini in Modena, Italien haben Anrufe für ein völliges Verbot alle Asbest auf der ganzen Welt wiederholt. Schreiben in die internationale Zeitschrift für Umwelt und Gesundheit, betont das Collegium, dass nur 52 Nationen haben Asbest verboten, aber eine große Anzahl noch verwenden, importieren und Exportieren von Asbest und asbesthaltigen Produkten.

Asbest kann auf eine von sechs natürlich vorkommenden faserige Mineralien, serpentine Asbest, auch bekannt als Chrysotil oder weiße Asbest Konten für 95 % von allen Asbest verwenden. Die Amphibol Mineralien: Amosite (braun Asbest), Krokydolith (blau Asbest), und Tremolit, Anthophyllit und Aktinolith, werden nicht mehr verwendet. Asbest kann Feuer, Hitze und Säure standhalten, ist stark und isoliert gegen Hitze und Ton. Aber es ist ein potenter krebserregende Material Konto für 5-7 % der Fälle von Lungenkrebs bei Männern International und schonen die Gesundheit von Millionen.

Trotz der Tatsache, dass es sind jetzt synthetische Alternative, die viel sicherer als Asbest, weißem Asbest ist noch abgebaut und exportierten gegenüber den Entwicklungsländern, vor allem durch Kanada, die von der medizinischen Zeitschrift The Lancet unter Beschuss geraten hat verwenden Sie für die angebliche Heuchelei der Asbest verboten, die in Kanada aber weiterhin das tödliche Material exportieren. Das Collegium weist darauf hin, dass Befreiung von weißem Asbest aus jedem Verbot keine Basis in der medizinischen Wissenschaft hat.

Zum Schutz der Gesundheit aller Menschen in der Welt--Industriearbeiter, Bauarbeiter, Frauen und Kinder, ist jetzt und in Zukunft Generationen, ein vollständiges Verbot, rigoros durchgesetzt, dringend erforderlich das Collegium sagt.

Mindestens 125 Millionen Menschen auf der ganzen Welt sind heute durch ihre Arbeit mit etwa 20 bis 40 % von erwachsenen Männern Berichterstattung Vergangenheit berufen, die sie, können das Risiko von Mesotheliom, Asbest und Lungenkrebs aufgrund von Asbest ausgesetzt haben Asbest ausgesetzt.

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Auswirkungen von Carbon Nanotubes können Futter der Lunge

Kohlenstoff-Nanoröhren gelten für den Einsatz in alles, was von Sportgeräten für medizinische Anwendungen, aber sehr viel bleibt unbekannt über ob diese Materialien Atemwegs- oder andere gesundheitliche Probleme verursachen. Ein Ringversuchs aus North Carolina State University, die Hamner Institute für Health Sciences und der National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences zeigt, dass Einatmen dieser Nanoröhren die äußeren Futter der Lunge, beeinflussen kann obwohl die Auswirkungen der langfristigen Exposition unklar bleiben.

Mit Mäuse in einem Tiermodell-Studie, dargelegt die Forscher, festzustellen, was passiert, wenn Stegplatten Kohlenstoff-Nanoröhren inhaliert werden. Insbesondere wollte Forscher zu bestimmen, ob die Nanoröhren wäre der Pleura, erreichen die ist das Gewebe, das Linien die Außenseite der Lunge und wird beeinflusst durch die Exposition gegenüber bestimmten Arten von Asbestfasern, die dazu führen, der Krebs-Mesotheliom dass. Die Forscher verwendet inhalatorische Exposition und gefunden jene inhalative Nanoröhren der Pleura erreichen und Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit führen.

Kurzfristige Studien in das Papier beschriebenen erlauben keine Rückschlüsse auf langfristige Antworten wie Krebs. Jedoch sagt die inhalativen Nanoröhren "eindeutig erreichen Zielgewebe für Mesotheliom und verursachen eine einzigartige pathologische Reaktion auf der Oberfläche der Pleura, und verursacht Fibrose," Dr. James Bonner, Associate Professor für Umwelt- und Molekulare Toxikologie NC State und leitende Autor der Studie. Die "einzigartige Reaktion" begann innerhalb eines Tages Einatmen von Nanoröhren, Cluster von Immunzellen (Lymphozyten und Monozyten) begann auf der Oberfläche der Pleura sammeln. Lokalisierte Fibrose oder Narben auf Teile der Pleura Oberfläche, die auch mit Asbest, ist begann zwei Wochen nach Einatmen.

Die Studie zeigte, dass die Immunantwort und Fibrose innerhalb von drei Monaten nach der Exposition verschwunden. Diese Studie verwendet jedoch nur einen einmaliger Exposition, die Nanoröhren. "Es bleibt unklar, ob die Pleura von chronischen oder wiederholte, Forderungen wiederherstellen konnte," sagt Bonner. "Mehr Arbeit in diesem Bereich getan werden muss, und es ist völlig unbekannt an dieser Stelle, ob eingeatmet Kohlenstoff-Nanoröhren als krebserzeugend in der Lunge oder in der Pleura Futter erweisen."

Die Mäuse erhielt eine einzelne inhalatorische Exposition von sechs Stunden als Teil der Studie, und die Auswirkungen auf die Pleura zeigten sich nur auf die höchste Dosis verwendet von den Forschern--30 Milligramm pro Kubikmeter (mg/m3). Die Forscher fanden keine Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit in den Mäusen der niedrigeren Dosis von 1 mg/m3.

Die Studie "Eingeatmet Carbon Nanotubes erreichen die Sub-Pleura Gewebe in Mäuse," war Co-Autor von Bonner, Dr. Jessica Ryman-Rasmussen, Dr. Arnold Brody und Dr. Jeanette Shipley-Phillips von NC State, Dr. Jeffrey Everitt ist ein außerordentlicher Professor an NC State, Dr. Mark Cesta von der National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), Earl Tewksbury, Dr. Owen Moss, Dr. Brian Wong, Dr. Darol Dodd und Dr. Melvin Andersen des Hamner Institute für Gesundheitswissenschaften. Die Studie ist in der Okt. 25 Ausgabe der Natur Nanotechnologie veröffentlicht und wurde gefördert durch die Hamner Institute für Gesundheitswissenschaften, NIEHS und NC State College von Landwirtschaft und Life Sciences.

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Asbest Kontamination: Gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen eines der größten Umweltkatastrophen der Nation

Über fast ein Jahrhundert, wurden Tausende von Anwohnern und Arbeitnehmern in Libby, MT, Asbest-belastetem Vermiculit Erz, führt zu deutlich höheren Lungenerkrankung und Autoimmun-Krankheiten, und dass Libby in 2002 der Bundesrepublik Environmental Protection Agency "nationalen Prioritätenliste." hinzugefügt werden ausgesetzt

Forscher am Mount Sinai School of Medicine, die ein Team von Forschern von vier Institutionen, sind die drei Untersuchungen Krankheit Pathologie in der Stadt und empfohlene Bereinigung Bemühungen festzustellen jetzt Einleitung.

Dem Principal Investigator des Projektes ist, dass Mount Sinai Stephen Levin, MD, Associate Professor für Präventivmedizin an der Mount Sinai School of Medicine und überregional bekannte Experte Arbeitsmedizin und Asbest-Erkrankungen, die auch als PI die landesweite World Trade Center medizinische Überwachung & Behandlung Programm, gedient hat seit 2002 koordiniert.

"Die asbestbedingter Krankheiten in Libby ist weit mehr aggressiv und schnell fortschreitenden als das, was die meisten Asbest-exponierten Arbeitnehmer, mit hohen Raten von Krebserkrankungen und schwere Auswirkungen auf die Lungenfunktion, gesehen ist", sagte Dr. Levin. "Allein aus diesem Grund sind die Gesundheitsprobleme in Libby wichtig zu studieren und zu verstehen."

Die erste der drei Programme konzentriert sich auf bestimmte Risiken einer Exposition gegenüber Asbest Libby in der Kindheit, wenn Lunge noch entwickeln Reifung und sind. Diese Forschung kann bestimmen die Höhe der Umweltsanierungen in Libby zum Schutz von Kindern, die eine besonders sensible Zielgruppe sind notwendig.

Eine zweite Studie wird mit Narben gesehen in Arbeiter und der historisch langfristige, schwere Belastung mit kommerziellen Formen von Asbest Lung vergleichen Lunge Narbenbildung Libby Einwohner, die nur in ihrer Umgebung (und nicht an ihrem Beschäftigung) Asbest ausgesetzt waren. Die Forscher hoffen, zu entdecken, warum Libby Einwohner Preise der Lunge Narbenbildung erweitert haben. Sie werden auch untersuchen, den Mechanismus für asbestbedingte Narbenbildung und Ansätze zur Verhütung von Narbenbildung nach Exposition bereits stattgefunden hat.

Die dritte Untersuchung untersucht die Beziehungen zwischen Autoimmun-Erkrankungen, autoimmune Antikörper Anomalien und CT-Scan Beweise der Narbenbildung Lungenerkrankungen im Zusammenhang mit der Exposition gegenüber Asbest Libby. Auto-immun-Erkrankungen wie rheumatoide Arthritis und Lupus nachweislich in Libby häufiger auftreten, und Antikörper Ebenen die Körpergewebe sind in Libby Einwohner immer häufiger und bei höheren Konzentrationen.

Mount Sinai Forscher werden bei der Forschungsanstrengungen, bekannt als Libby Epidemiology Research Program, mit Libbys Center für Asbest Verwandte Krankheit (Karte), Forscher von der University of Montana und Idaho State University und einer nationalen wissenschaftlichen Beratergruppe zusammenarbeiten. Die Forschung wird durch einen Zuschuss von über 4,8 Millionen Dollar von der Agentur for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) des Bundes Center for Disease Control and Prevention unterstützt.

Die Krise in Libby, eine Bergbaustadt, dessen Geschichte durch die Herstellung von Vermiculit geprägt hat, Unternehmen seit den 1920er Jahren, ist das Ergebnis der gemeinschaftsweiten Arbeitssicherheit und Umwelt Gefährdung durch natürlich vorkommende Libbys Vermiculit, verunreinigte mit Asbest und Asbest-wie Silikat Fasern bis zu 26 % Gewicht.

Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit haben nicht nur in mir und Verarbeitung Arbeiter, Bereich Sägewerk Arbeitnehmer und Logger (von Asbest Abstauben von Wäldern) und ihre Familien, aber auch unter anderen Libby Bewohnern und ihren Kindern festgestellt. Viele waren über der Luft ausgesetzt oder zu mir Aufbereitungsrückstände und andere kontaminierter Materialien bereitgestellt, um die Stadt von Bergbau-Unternehmen für den Bau von Spielplätzen, Schule Laufbahnen, Spielplätze, öffentlichen Gebäuden und Einrichtungen, als auch für private Gärten und Haus und Geschäft.

Es gibt Hinweise, die auch relativ niedrige Forderungen an Libby Asbest verursachen können schwere Narbenbildung Lungenkrankheiten, die deutlich beeinträchtigen Atemfunktion sowie im Zusammenhang mit Asbest Krebserkrankungen wie Lungenkrebs und Mesotheliom, die zu höheren Sätzen der Libby Bevölkerung als anderswo auftreten in den Vereinigten Staaten.

Die Gesundheitskrise potenziell erstreckt sich weit über die Grenzen der Libby, seit Millionen von Haushalten und Unternehmen in Nordamerika als Dachgeschoss Isolierung, Brandschutz und Erde-Haarkur Vermiculit von Libby verwendet haben. Das Erz aus Libby gelangte per Bahn nach 49 Pflanze Positionen in ganz Nordamerika und der Karibik für die Verarbeitung verfügbar machen viele mehr Arbeiter und Gemeinschaften, die gefährliche Staub.

CARD Director Brad Black, MD, sagte: "das Muster der Asbest Krankheit, die durch Libby Amphibol Asbestexposition zu übermäßiger Morbidität und Mortalität für Libby Bevölkerung geführt hat, und wurde überaus anspruchsvoll für die medizinische Gemeinschaft. Der Schweregrad der nonmalignant Lungenerkrankung in nicht-berufsbedingte Exposition wurde sehr ungewöhnlich, Frage hinsichtlich der Wirksamkeit der einzigartigen Amphibol Mischung. Wir freuen uns auf die Zusammenarbeit mit Dr. Levin und Mount Sinai, einige dieser Antworten zu finden."

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Arbeitsbedingten Todesfälle in England und Wales hat in 20 Jahren fast halbiert Studie

Todesfälle in England und Wales von Verletzungen und Krankheiten, die durch Arbeit haben fast halbierte sich in den 20 Jahren, zeigt Forschung in Arbeits- und Umweltmedizin online veröffentlicht.

Aber es gibt noch einige Aufträge, wie z. B. ein Gastwirt, ein Bergarbeiter oder ein Pilot in die die Chancen für eine Arbeit im Zusammenhang Tod relativ hoch bleiben.

Die Forscher analysierten Informationen über Beruf und Ursache des Todes von Totenscheinen von 2,7 Millionen Männern im Alter von 20-74, die von 1979 bis 2000 starb.

Die berechnete jährliche Überschreitung der Todesfälle auf Beruf sank von 733 in der Saison 1979-90 auf 471 zwischen 1991 und 2000.

Den größten Anteil an diesen zusätzlichen Todesfälle waren Lungenerkrankungen in Bergleute, Exposition gegenüber Asbest Mesotheliom und Verkehrsunfälle in LKW-Fahrer.

Obwohl Todesfälle von den meisten Gefahren rückläufig war, gab es kein Rückgang überschüssige Sterblichkeit von Asbest oder von Krebs der Nase und Nasennebenhöhlen unter Holzarbeiter.

Zwischen 1991 und 2000 wurden die 'riskanteste' Jobs Gastwirte und Bar Arbeitnehmer--aus Leberzirrhose und anderen Krankheiten, die durch Alkohol; Bergleute--chronische Bronchitis, Emphysem, Pneumokoniose und Verletzungen; und Piloten--vom Luftverkehr Unfälle.

In jedem dieser Berufe entfielen mehr als 4 % aller Todesfälle im Alter von 20 bis 74 Jahren arbeiten.

Der insgesamt erhebliche Rückgang der Arbeit folgern Verwandte Todesfälle ist wahrscheinlich eine Kombination von sicherer Arbeitsbedingungen und niedrigere Preise der Beschäftigung in gefährlicher Arbeitsplätze, die Autoren.

"Allerdings mehrere Gefahren bleiben problematisch, und sind eine Priorität für weitere Präventivmaßnahmen. Dazu gehören Erkrankungen durch Asbest, Sino-Nasal Krebs in Holzarbeiter und Kraftfahrzeugunfällen in LKW-Fahrer"fügen sie.

Journal Reference:

D. Coggon, E. C. Harris, t. Brown, S. Reis, k. t. Palmer. Arbeit - Mortalität in England und Wales, 1979-2000. Arbeits- und Umweltmedizin Medizin, 2010; DOI: 10.1136/oem.2009.052670

Hinweis: Wenn kein Autor angegeben ist, wird die Quelle stattdessen zitiert.

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Cleaning Company’s Asbestos Mistake Costly

A commercial cleaning company made a costly mistake of using a high pressure washer to clean the roof of an empty home – a roof that contained the deadly substance asbestos.  Adjacent homes and properties next to the empty house located in Moffat Beach, a suburb of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia, were sprayed with asbestos containing dust and debris.
Asbestos was commonly used in roofing tiles and products as it is highly fire, heat and erosion resistant.  Asbestos also causes cancer, the most fatal type being mesothelioma, and asbestosis, an irreversible scarring of the lungs.  Although repeated exposure increases risk, even a singly incident can lead to illness.
Asbestos related diseases can take anywhere from ten to up to fifty years before symptoms begin to develop.  Therefore, the two neighbors most affected by the improper roof cleaning will really not know the extent of the damage for decades to come.
In the meantime, the clean up is difficult and time-consuming.  Comprehensive efforts must be made to make sure not even a single microscopic asbestos fiber is left behind.  Because of the method of cleaning the roof – high pressure hose- the spread was far and wide.  Not only will all hard, impermeable surfaces need to be cleaned, but all fabric and permeable items including garden soil, pavers, etc, will need to be replaced.
The owner of the cleaning company is taking full responsibility for his employee’s action, and offering to pay for the asbestos specialists who have been brought in to do the clean up.  In addition to the fact that the cost of the clean up may be so great as to cause his business to cease, he also feels badly about knowing his employee’s actions may one day cause others to become gravely ill.
This is a good reminder to all to take precautions when repairing, cleaning, removing or disposing of any asbestos containing materials.  It’s best to hire specialists who have been trained and spare the risk of potentially causing unwanted exposure and death.


Pericardial Mesothelioma, Pericardial Effusion & Pericardial Masses

Pericardial Mesothelioma

Pericardial Mesothelioma is a tumor that can occur at any age with a mean age of 46 years at presentation. Patients present with chest pain, dyspnea, cough, and palpitations. Although there appears to be a strong link to asbestos exposure, a definite association has not been established due to the rarity of this lesion. Surgery combined with radiation therapy may provide some palliation, but the prognosis is extremely poor. On CT there is irregular, diffuse pericardial thickening and a pericardial effusion. Pericardium is a thin lining of tissue surrounding the heart.

Pericardial Effusion

Pericardial effusion is the collection of fluid in the sac that surrounds the heart, a possible sign of cancer as well as many other conditions. When it is caused by cancer, it can be result of either direct spread of cancer from adjacent organs like the lung, or by metastatic spread from other parts of the body

Pericardial Masses

The most common primary mass is a congenital celomic cyst. Benign and malignant pericardial solid masses are equally common. Teratoma and malignant mesothelioma are the leading primary solid masses. Secondary malignancies are far more common than primary with seventy percent due to spread from lung, breast and lymphoproliferative disorders. Although primary tumors more commonly affect the myocardium than the pericardium the reverse is true of secondary tumors. In those with pericardial metastases 25% have reduced cardiac function and for the majority tamponade is the commonest cause of death.

CT features of masses that may elucidate their etiology include;morphology, location, extent, cyst or solid character, their effect on cardiac chambers as well as their enhancement characteristics and the amount of extracardiac disease. It is in the setting of malignancy with its ability to evaluate the whole thorax that CT has much to offer.


Primary pericardial mesothelioma:

Yuko Kobayashi1, , Ryusuke Murakami1, Junko Ogura1, Kanae Yamamoto1, Taro Ichikawa1, Kouichi Nagasawa2, Masaru Hosone3 and Tatsuo Kumazaki4

(1) Department of Radiology, Tama-Nagayama Hospital, Nippon Medical School, 1-7-1 Nagayama, Tama-shi, Tokyo 206-8512, Japan

(2) Department of Internal Medicine, Tama-Nagayama Hospital, Nippon Medical School, 1-7-1 Nagayama, Tama-shi, Tokyo 206-8512, Japan

(3) Department of Pathology, Tama-Nagayama Hospital, Nippon Medical School, 1-7-1 Nagayama, Tama-shi, Tokyo 206-8512, Japan

(4) Department of Radiology, Nippon Medical School, 1-1-5 Sendagi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8603, Japan

Abstract. The imaging features of primary pericardial mesothelioma have rarely been described. Herein we present a case report of its diagnostic-pathologic features. Chest computed tomography (CT) revealed an irregularly enhanced mass occupying the entire pericardial space and surrounding the superior vena cava. At autopsy, the tumor was found to fill the pericardial space completely, and to extend to the superior vena cava through the superior pericardial sinus. The CT features of the tumor were correlated well with those revealed at autopsy, and provided satisfactory information regarding the presence and the extension of the tumor.

Causes of Cancer - Mesothelioma

About Cancer Mesothelioma Cancer mesothelioma is definitely in a problematic state with the average person living for 12-24 months upon diagnosis. If you can detect it sooner, your chances for treatment success are far greater. The prescribed treatment of cancer mesothelioma has varying results depending on the location of the cancer cells, the stage of the disease and the patient's over-all physical state. The typical treatments for cancer mesothelioma are radiation therapy, surgery and chemotherapy. There are many different types of cancer mesothelioma and they are all life threatening with approximately 2000 Americans diagnosed every year.

Asbestos is the Cause

This is a frightening fact because most of the authorities that OKed its use were aware of the possible illness. They knew that the handlers were bringing the dangerous substance home with them as well. That being the case, not only were the handlers exposed, but many of their family members were. Many of these family members with 2nd hand exposure developed the asbestos cancer, mesothelioma. When you are told the bad news of having asbestos related mesothelioma, the good news is a mesothelioma lawyer can help you fight those responsible for this cancer. As a worker if you have mesothelioma, the employer or company that put you into contact with asbestos is clearly accountable and your family deserves worthy compensation. Almost all cases of malignant mesotheliomas happen in people who have been exposed to asbestos, on the job or by people they live with. The affected person is able to claim the compensation amount from the firms that knowingly exposed you to asbestos spores. An individual who has got mesothelioma through the contact of asbestos should seek immediate legal assistance to claim the compensation. By simply avoiding contact to asbestos it can largely prevent malignant mesotheliomas.

What are the Symptoms?

At the beginning stages of Mesothelioma the symptoms are non-critical; therefore the disease is not that prevelent and has a fairly good success rate. However with pleural mesothelioma it affects the outer lining of your lungs with symptoms like coughing, chest pains, breathing and swallowing difficulties, wheezing, shortness of breath or loss of weight. These are the same symptoms that apply to many less serious illnesses but you are strongly advised to consult a physician immediately if you even suspect you have been exposed to Asbestos. The incubation period of the can be over years, often many years. A lot of suspicion is needed to make a timely diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma as the symptoms can be very subtly. This is because many of the symptoms are experienced in other sickness conditions. This usually means that Delay in the diagnosis is very common in most of the cases making its recovery rate difficult. Many times the symptoms can appear as non-specific to the patient and their medical professional. One of the biggest problems with pericardial mesothelioma is that its symptoms begin appearing in the cancer's latest stages. Remember that the onset of mesothelioma asbestos lung cancer is almost always very slow: if you are experiencing any symptoms it is not worth chalking it up for a common cold and moving on. Consult your family physician now.

Mostly in the Chest

Most of the Mesothelioma symptoms are caused by excess fluid between the lining of the lung and the chest cavity. You may experience extreme pain in the ribs or chest which is also agitated by the spread of the cancerous tumor. To provide relief from the symptoms and help regulate discomfort, doctors may use a needle or a thin tube which serves as a drain to the chest or abdomen area. This procedure is known as thoracentesis and removal of fluid from the abdomen is called paracentesis.

What are the Treatments?

Mesothelioma cancer is currently treated with 3 types of treatment and the patient's general health and age. These treatments depend on the cancer location and the disease stage. They include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, not necessarily in that order. They are sometimes are used together to fight the disease. Because this diseases symptoms are slow and steady, the success of many traditional treatments are very limited. Usually before a patient is treated, a doctor will evaluate them first, and then make a prescribed plan for treatment. Unfortunately, aggressive treatment strategies are almost always used, but it really boils down to how far the cancer has spread. Mesothelioma cancer has no known cure but, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and other pain treatments can help the patient deal with the discomforts and increase the life expectancy.

Surgery is Very Common

When surgery is scheduled, many tests are done to make sure the surgeons know the cancer has not spread. When the patient is young, strong and healthy, more aggressive surgery will be employed. Surgery is performed in 2 different ways. The 2nd way is a palliative procedure which is used for the purpose of reducing the symptoms of the cancer and not curing. Effective treatment surgery cannot be performed. Surgery is the most common conventional option for treating peritoneal mesothelioma cancer. The future is pretty grim for those with peritoneal mesothelioma, however new peritoneal mesothelioma treatments are being developed and experimented with every day, so there is always hope for a breakthrough.

What is Asbestos Cancer Mesothelioma?

Asbestos is a prominent mineral that is vastly used in many modern manufacturing undertakings. It is agreed that the mineral is used for construction and various other projects. The mineral is also known to be a health hazard. It causes asbestos cancer or cancer of the mesothelioma. This is a delicate situation and many industries are not recognizing the harmful effects of asbestos. When employees develop the asbestos cancer, they file for lawsuits. These lawsuits run into millions and in order to avoid unlikely situations, the companies must invest on appropriate protective gear for their employees working with asbestos.

Every inch of the human body is composed of cells. These cells are known to replicate at regular intervals. This cell replication procedure happens for the major share of one's life. As long as the cell replication process is under control, the body and the included organs will function normally. When the cell replication becomes unusual, then it leads to the condition termed as cancer. Since the mesothelioma is also composed of cells, irregular growth of the cells in the region causes asbestos cancer mesothelioma. The factor that triggers this abnormal growth of the mesothelioma cells is still mysterious.

There are certain differences between the other normal forms of cancer and the mesothelioma cancer. Since the mesothelioma can be found covering almost all the major organs such as the lungs and the heart, the cancer can originate anywhere on the body. Secondly, it is hard to diagnose this type of cancer. Employees complain of body aches and pains, but the family members ignore it as work related fatigue and tiredness. It is during the final stages that the patient realizes that he has got cancer of the mesothelioma. You might already know this fact - there is a threshold period within which the patient must be subjected to treatment procedures.

Once the period is long gone, the patient's cancer might not respond to the treatment. It is said that fine powder of asbestos, when inhaled, will lead to cancer of the mesothelioma. The importance of the mesothelioma layer must never be underestimated. This protective layer is known to lubricate the organs at regular intervals and protect it from shocks and sudden impacts. Treatment for this form of cancer is widely available, but only small ratios of the people who are subjected to the treatment are known to successfully respond to the treatment.

Insist on effective protective measures when one is working with asbestos. The cancer of the mesothelioma might affect one, and he might be unaware of it. Educating the employees about the disease and providing them with ample information is the first step that must be taken by the companies in order to eliminate the condition. It is disheartening to find that even though many employers are aware of the situation, the cancer of the mesothelioma is progressing at a fast pace in our country. Many human lives are at stake because of this condition and employers seem to ignore the situation.

Pleura Disease and Mesothelioma

Often, the exposure to asbestos will cause harm to the lining of the lungs, called pleura. Calcium deposits in the scars caused by asbestos fibers will go through 'calcification' which cause it to harden.
Fluid effusion may be accumulated around the lung. This condition do not present any immediate harm and will dissolve by itself and subsequently return later. This repeated fluid accumulation gradually cause 'diffuse pleural thickening', which is the thickening of the entire pleura. This thickening process may end up as scar tissue and even make it difficult for the lungs to expand.

Malignant Mesothelioma Lung Cancer

Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer that affects the pleura or the abdomen (peritonuem) and it is caused only by asbestos exposure. There are two types of mesothelioma cells - epithelial and sarcomatoid.

Even a relatively short amount of exposure to asbestos (one month or two) can manifest itself into mesothelioma cancer or even lung cancer 20, 30, 50, or even 70 years later.
Like most disease, early detection and treatment can significantly increase recovery chance. Unfortunately, mesothelioma lung cancer is often asymptomatic and treatments are often too late when a patient is diagnosed. Many will die from the disease in the following 12 months of diagnosis, and most will not survive more than 18 months.

Therefore, some treatments for mesothelioma is aim to to relieve symptoms rather than to cure the disease. If your doctor recommends palliative (comfort) treatments, he/she is fore seeing that your illness cannot be cured. In this scenario, get a second opinion or check out what alternative treatment have to offer.

Mesothelioma and the Asbestos Time Bomb

The one-time friend turned killer that was once such an indispensible, yet unnoticed, part of our daily lives for so many centuries, is now a feared enemy. It is Asbestos (from the Greek for 'inextinguishable') and is the reason for thousands of global compensation claims by mesothelioma lawyers against employers, manufacturers and processors of asbestos-related products. Many asbestos workers, and those unwitingly exposed to asbestos, have been given a mesothelioma diagnosis for which there is no cure, maybe just a little temporary relief, until the inevitable distressing death a few months or years after diagnosis.

Mesothelioma is a time bomb because it can be that less than a day's exposure to asbestos dust is enough to produce mesothelioma, some 30-40 years later, when mesothelioma symptoms are first noticed. Though most mesothelioma victims are men, because mainly they worked in those industries, sometimes their wives and family too are innocent sufferers from this disease, inhaling the asbestos dust shaken from their husband's/fathers' clothing, or hair, at the end of the working day.

Whether the fault lies with manufacturers & employers (assuming they knew of the dangers) or the employees (did everyone diligently use respirator equipment and protective clothing, if it was supplied?), is something for the mesothelioma lawyers, insurance companies and courts to thrash out.

Meanwhile, asbestosis & mesothelioma victims are dying a painful and inexorable death, before their cases can even come to court or a settlement is reached. As there is no cure for mesothelioma or asbestosis, all that can be done is to make the sufferer's plight as comfortable as possible, before death finally brings mercyful relief. Although various governments have introduced, albeit belatedly, anti-asbestos legislation, sufferers find that in some cases the time limit for claiming compensation is unrealistically short, given

the long time (30-40 years) before mesothelioma symptoms are first noticed. Many victims are dying before they get a court verdict, or even before they get to court. Unlike its Greek derivation, Mesothelioma and asbestosis victims are not inextinguishable.

What is Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer in the fluid-filled sac between the Mesothelium lining the lungs, or abdominal cavity or heart, and the body. In a healthy person, the mesothelium secretes a fluid which lubricates these organs, allowing them to expand, contract and easily slide over neighbouring tissues. Fluid in excess of that required for lubrication is removed through the blood & lymph system. In a person with Mesothelioma, the asbestos fibres penetrate the organ, into the fluid sac, producing cancerous cells which attack other cells, thickening the fluid, causing pain, and difficulty with breathing. Peritoneal Mesothelioma and, less commonly, Pericardial Mesothelioma, are not as common as the pleural type, but just as deadly.

The Causes of Pleural Mesothelioma

Pleural Mesothelioma, the most common form of mesiothelioma, is caused, according to all known evidence, exclusively by inhalation of asbestos fibres. These fibres are very thin & sharp enough to penetrate the lining of the lung, entering the plural sac, thereby damaging the mesothelium cells. Often, cancerous growth results, as described above. Other factors also come into play, including the changes induced in macrophages by their ingestion of asbestos particles. The asbestos seems to stimulate the macrophage to produce free radicals, which then affect DNA to induce cancerous cell behaviour. The chances of a person in an asbestos-related environment developing lung cancer, are said to be about 50 times increased if that person smokes, though there is no evidence to show that smoking itself causes mesothelioma. Ironically, one brand of cigarettes in the 1950's used asbestos in the filter tips.

There are other factors too that can play a part, such as heredity, general health and diet. Although not too much has been clincially proven about these factors, as with all diseases, the better the person's health the better their chances of not catching a disease.

The History of Asbestos.

It is probably not generally known that asbestos has been around since 4000 BC, when it was used in lamp wicks and candles. Interestingly, it was also used in the cloth wrapping of Egyptian mummies. Maybe this is the real origin of 'The Curse of The Mummy' stories; grave robbers, and maybe Egyptologists, could expect to get their just desserts! Clothing made from asbestos was highly prized in ancient times to wrap the bodies of Kings, so that their ashes would not mix with the earth or other contaminants during cremation, and it is said the Romans simply threw their asbestos napkins into a fire to cleanse and purify them.

Asbestos, a type of silica, is mined from three main types of metamorphic rock:- Chrysotile (white asbestos), Amosite (brown asbestos) and Crocodilite (blue asbestos). Other asbestos bearing rocks such as Tremolite, Anthophyllite and Actinolite are not in such common use but could still be found in some construction work, talcum powders and vermiculite. During the Middle Ages there does not appear to be much evidence of asbestos use; they probably had other problems, like recurring plagues and crusades, to contend with.

The fact that asbestos workers developed respiratory illnesses, and died young, was known as far back as Roman times when Pliny the Elder commented that asbestos workers seemed to have many health problems, advising against buying asbestos-workings slaves as they "died young". Obviously, there were no mesothelioma lawyers around then! The deleterious effects of asbestos, in modern industrial times, have been recorded as far back as the start of the 18th Century but little notice was paid by factory owners & Governments to the plight of asbestos workers - labour was cheap and life even cheaper; nothing should stand in the way of the sacred cows of Industrial Progress and the profits of industrialists and politicians.

That it took until the 1970s before more stricter legislation to restrict its use and safeguarded workers was drawn up, is scandalous. A charitable reason for this inertia may be that asbestos had become so widely used in almost every aspect of our everyday lives, delivering such tremendous benefits, that there was such a reluctance to finally admit that something so useful could also be so deadly. People who have expounded the virtues, and made a lot of money out of, asbestos are hardly likely to suddenly throw up their hands and admit to being wrong. The alternative, less charitable, explanation can only be that greed and profit were more important than employees' health.

Treating Mesothelioma and Asbestosis

1. When the analysis is performed within the initial phases surgical treatment might be suggested to get rid of just about all cancer tissue. What this means is thoracoscopy, VATS or even movie aided thoracic surgical treatment, mediastinoscopy (used with regard to staging), or even laproscopy. Frequently, physicians may recommend palliative methods such as upper body pipe drainage as well as pleurodesis, thoracoscopy as well as pleurodesis, pleuroperitonial shunt, or even pleurectomy, that deal with the actual signs and symptoms associated with mesothelioma as opposed to the illness.

two. The radiation is actually recommended strongly with regard to mesothelioma sufferers and it is frequently provided in conjunction with surgical treatment or even to be able to manage signs and symptoms, palliatively. Investigation upon utilizing the radiation treatment utilizing implants or even UV gentle treatment is within improvement because conventional the radiation treatment damage encircling wholesome cells.

3. Chemotherapy is definitely an choice as well as close to 12-20% associated with sufferers react to the actual medicines. Anti-cancer medicines ruin most cancers tissue and stop their own distribute. Within mesothelioma, chemotherapy isn't regarded as healing. The goal would be to avoid distribute from the illness; reduce in size the actual growth just before surgical treatment, referred to as neoadjuvant treatment; in order to eliminate any kind of continues to be from the growth in your body publish surgical treatment; and also to reduce discomfort along with other soreness, palliative chemotherapy. Specialists suggest recommending premetrexed together with cisplastin. These types of medicines show good success which has become regular take care of Mesothelioma not really curable through surgical treatment.

4. Natural treatment utilizing interleukin two.

5. Immunotherapy in which the body's personal defense mechanisms is actually triggered in order to battle the condition. Natural reaction modifiers, BRMs, are utilized within remedy. These types of boost the features from the defense mechanisms; control metabolic responses which market development associated with cancer; adjust most cancers cellular department; prevent or even change procedures which result in development associated with cancer; and stop distribute associated with most cancers.

6. Gene treatment, exactly where efforts are created to proper the actual gene series that triggers the actual most cancers. This really is associated with 2 types, alternative gene treatment as well as knockout gene treatment.

7. Management associated with lovastatin, the cholesterol decreasing medication.

8. Photodynamic remedy the place where a photosensitive medicine is actually triggered utilizing a laser beam. This really is carried out throughout the surgery associated with cancer tissue.

9. Depleting associated with liquid within the upper body or even stomach hole then intro associated with medicines to the hole to avoid liquid build up is performed with regard to sufferers who've out of control liquid build up as well as extreme soreness arising from this.

10. Mixture treatment or even Trimodal treatment meaning surgical treatment associated with the radiation as well as chemotherapy.

Frequently, contrasting medications will also be utilized. Called to become alternative this sort of remedy targets the patient's bodily, psychological, psychological, as well as religious wellness.

The Differences Between Mesothelioma and Asbestosis

To many people, the words mesothelioma and asbestosis are virtual synonyms. They know only that both are caused by exposure to asbestos, and that both can be prevented if exposure to asbestos is limited by proper protective equipment.

Mesothelioma, also known as asbestos cancer, has similarities with other types of cancers. Tumors begin to grow in the mesothelium, the lining that encloses the inside of your body, including your organs. The site of the most tumor activity is the mesothelium around the chest lungs, called the pleura. Asbestos cancer around the lungs is referred to as pleural mesothelioma.

However, not all forms of the illness occur around the lungs. Mesothelioma can also appear as peritoneal mesothelioma, found around the stomach. There is also a pericardial form of the disease, where tumors gather around the tissue of the heart.

Although asbestos cancer manifests in the linings around organs rather than in the tissues themselves, it is still often mistaken for stomach cancer or lung cancer.

Asbestosis: Different Symptoms, Different Illness

Asbestosis is another commonly recognized illness that stems from prolonged exposure to asbestos fibers. The fibers are inhaled and are able to travel deep into the lungs, embedding themselves within the alveoli, the air sacs that handle daily oxygen intake. The body recognizes them as foreign bodies and tries to expel them, activating an immune response.

However, the asbestos fibers become lodged and the body cannot remove them. The body's immune response creates an inflammation that eventually results in scar tissue in the inner walls of the lungs. This condition leads to shortness of breath that comes on gradually and typically worsens during exercise.

Lung Cancer: Many Differences, Some Similarities

Lung cancer can appear in anyone's lungs, even among people who have never worked with asbestos. In contrast, asbestosis requires that one have come into contact with asbestos. Mesothelioma may be contracted in cases where asbestos exposure is not evident, but those situations are extremely rare.

Sadly, there is one thing all of these diseases have in common: the search for a cure. None is currently curable, although there are treatments that can alleviate the symptoms. For asbestosis, one of the most effective treatments is in-home oxygen use, which ensures that the patient receives proper oxygen flow despite reduced lung function. For mesothelioma and lung cancer, the treatments are more complex, but all focus around patient comfort and quality of life.

The Basics of Peritoneal Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a very aggressive cancer that is caused by exposure to asbestos. Approximately 20 percent of cancers caused by asbestos are peritoneal mesothelioma. This form of the cancer manifests itself in the mesothelial cells of the abdomen when the asbestos fibers become embedded in the space between the cells. It can take as many as 20 to 50 years for the symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma to appear. Over these years, the asbestos fibers irritate the parietal layer that covers the stomach cavity and they begin to produce cancer cells. Fluid builds up and tumors eventually form.

What are the Symptoms?

Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma are swelling and pain in the abdomen, diarrhea or constipation, unexplained weight loss, nausea and vomiting, and the appearance of lumps under the skin in the abdominal area.

How is It Treated?

Since this type of cancer is usually diagnosed very late in its development, a positive mesothelioma prognosis is not likely, and treatment options are limited. Chemotherapy and radiation are typically used to threat the cancer, along with medication to provide pain relief. For many patients, surgery is not an option because at the point of discovery, this form of asbestos cancer has already spread too far and the patient's poor health may make him or her too weak to recover from the trauma of surgery.

How Does Exposure to Asbestos Cause Peritoneal Mesothelioma?

It is believed that there are two ways that asbestos can get into your system.

1. They can be ingested and then and consequently move through the digestive system into the peritoneal lining.

2. Asbestos fibers can be inhaled and travel to the peritoneal lining through the fluids in the lymphatic system.

Once these fibers get into the system, they become trapped and the body has no way to drive them out.

How Does Someone Get Exposed to Asbestos?

There is no test or conclusive way to find out if you have been exposed to asbestos. The only thing you can do is to review your life's history and current living conditions to know if you've ever been at risk for exposure to asbestos. Here are a few of the risk factors.

Living in an area where asbestos occurs naturally is one factor. Small particles of asbestos can get airborne, making it easy for you to inhale them. You can contact the health department where you live to find out if asbestos is in the local environment.

There used to be many industries that used asbestos regularly. If you ever worked in such a facility, you could have been exposed to it. It is also possible that you may have carried the asbestos fibers home to your family.

Before 1978, a lot of electrical wiring was insulated with asbestos. Asbestos was also woven into clothes and gloves that were worn by those regularly exposed to heat and fire.

Buildings and homes built before 1978 were frequently constructed using material with asbestos in them. Since asbestos is a good insulator, it was often used in floor and ceiling tiles, along with shingles and roofing paper. If any of these things were ever damaged, asbestos fibers could have become airborne.

Should you or a loved one be concerned about your potential to have peritoneal mesothelioma it is recommended you seek medical advice quickly.

Mesothelioma Prognosis And Treatments

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that frequently will manifest itself in the outer lining of the lungs, known as the pleura. However it may also emerge in the lining of a number of other body organs. The organ's lining is known as the mesothelium. It's most common cause is from being exposed to asbestos. Mesothelioma prognosis, diagnosis and remedies are continuously being assessed and researched.

Getting fast diagnosis may very well allow a person to get a more positive Mesothelioma prognosis. Signs and symptoms that may signal Pleural Mesothelioma resemble those of folks who are suffering from pneumonia and other related ailments can experience. Shortness of breath, fluid around the lungs and chest wall, chest pain and weight loss can be the most obvious signs of the illness.

Despite the fact that a Mesothelioma prognosis can be distressing, many discovered with the disease have lived a lot longer than initially predicted. In spite of the negative reports, one individual lived for twenty years following being informed he had a variety of the illness identified as peritoneal mesothelioma. Another affected individual, with the very same diagnosis, in 1997 was given one year to live and is still living today.

If a specialist suspects Pleural Mesothelioma he or she is going to request an x-ray, cat scan or MRI of the chest and lungs. If the tests show indications of the disease he's going to take a biopsy to confirm his suspicions. He will use a thoracoscope to check inside the chest to recover tissue samples. When the physician suspects Mesothelioma in the abdominal area he will do a the same procedure called a laparoscopy to get tissue from the abdominal area.

After the medical diagnosis, Mesothelioma treatment will often include surgery to take out the affected tissue or tumors. The surgery is normally followed up with radiation and chemotherapy. These types of treatments are performed to give the patient an extended life expectancy resulting in an improved Mesothelioma prognosis.

Even though there have been many more incidents of Mesothelioma recorded since 1980, it's still regarded a rare disease. This disease has been submitted from several locations around the world however in most cases from Australia, Britain and Belgium.

Right after becoming identified as having any sort of terminal illness it is very important to be a pro-active patient. Find as much information as you possibly can about the different methods and treatment options available. You will find support groups that meet to offer other patients battling with related diseases new information on what has and hasn't worked for them. These types of support groups also offer encouragement for anyone who have recently been given upsetting information that they have some type of fatal cancer.

Different treatment options are often learned from regular members of such groups that aren't generally offered by conventional medicine. Herbal medicines have often shown to be pretty useful.

Mesothelioma Prognosis

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer which is relatively rare and typically affects approximately one in one million people. The usual cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos although it can be caused by exposure to other chemicals as well.

The medical word "prognosis" describes the likely outcome of a particular illness. The description can be fairly accurate when applied statistically to large numbers of people, but can never be all that certain when applied to an individual patient, so a prognosis for an individual patient is often given in terms of percentage likelihoods, as nothing is ever certain.

Studies have shown that most doctors are likely to be optimistic when delivering a prognosis to a patient.

A prognosis for a patient suffering from mesothelioma depends on a number of factors. The disease is often very difficult to diagnose at all until the late stages, because all the symptoms can also be indications of other diseases, and because many of the symptoms don't necessarily appear until decades after the asbestos exposure.

Some screening methods can help to determine if a patient is likely to develop mesothelioma later, but these are far from precise much of the time. While smoking on its own has not been shown to cause mesothelioma, it can increase the likelihood of developing the disease.

Treatment of mesothelioma includes radiation, surgery, immunology and chemotherapy, often used in combination. For example, a patient might first have surgery to remove most of the tumor, then chemotherapy and radiation targeted to what is left.

A mesothelioma prognosis can be helpful in determining which treatments to use, and of course can be used in litigation to help obtain compensation, which can be considerable (sometimes more than tens of millions of dollars).

Understanding a Mesothelioma Prognosis

A mesothelioma prognosis can range for a variety of different patients. Some may experience difficult prognosis and others may receive better and more positive news. Either way, mesothelioma remains a very serious disease that comes with a high fatality rate. This is why legal action against those that place people at risk to contracting mesothelioma is so aggressive.

Mesothelioma derives from exposure to asbestos which was commonly found in pipes in prior generations. At the time, it was not considered a harmful substance. Over the past two decades, the fact that exposure to asbestos can cause cancer was revealed. As a result, building owners have a responsibility to have asbestos detected and removed. Sadly, this does not always happen which leads to the unfortunate issue of those exposed suffering from this horrific form of cancer. Once a diagnosis has been made, the patient then needs to seek treatment.

Mesothelioma prognosis occurs immediately after the patient learns that he/she has the disease. A prognosis can be considered an overview of what the cancer will do in the body. The prognosis of what the course the cancer will follow will be dependent on many factors. Obviously, these factors will play a large role in whether or not the prognosis is a good or bad one.

One factor that can potentially impact whether or not the prognosis is positive will be early detection. The longer it takes for the cancer to be detected, the worse the prognosis will generally be. This is because the cancer will continue to spread if it is not detected and treatment starts. If the cancer has not spread significantly then the ability to treat it is enhanced. This is why those that feel they have been exposed to asbestos need to take immediate action and contact their physician for a complete examination.

Detection of mesothelioma will also entail determining where the cancer actually is. If the tumor is located in one area of the body, it may be likely that it can be surgically removed. If the tumors are spreading throughout the body then surgery could prove complicated or potentially impossible.

Once the cancer has been detected, the stage the cancer is in will be determined. There are four stages in a mesothelioma prognosis with stages three and four being the more severe and advanced. Anyone that is currently in such a stage would have a difficult time beating the cancer. Conversely, those that catch the condition early enough may be able to take steps needed to send the cancer in remission.

Again, this is why early detection is so important when discussing the prognosis of the mesothelioma. If the cancer can be caught in the very early stages, survival rate increases. Yet, no matter how early the cancer is detected, it will always remain life threatening with no guarantees the treatment will work. Such information is not presented to be downbeat. It is mentioned to explain the severity of the disease so that anyone that may have been exposed to asbestos understand the necessity of seeking a proper diagnosis from a physician.

The patient's overall health will play a role in the prognosis. This is not to say a person can be so healthy that the treatment will be "easier." However, a healthy person will have a stronger immune system and will be able to handle the treatment needed to deal with the cancer. Surviving mesothelioma is not easy. Some may find that survival of five years or so is the maximum they can achieve. Again, the individual's overall health will play a factor in the ability to handle the treatment.

Those that have been exposed to asbestos through negligence and have been diagnosed with mesothelioma should explore their legal options. The reason for this is there are a lot of costs associated with mesothelioma treatment along with great financial strain due to the inability to work when dealing with such cancer. A qualified attorney with experience handling mesothelioma cases would be the best professional to work with in such a situation.

A mesothelioma prognosis is a serious one. It requires immediate medical treatment and should also include the search for proper legal representation. Doing so makes the ability to deal with the condition more tolerable.

Pericardial Mesothelioma - Symptoms, Treatment and Diagnosis

The main reason responsible for pericardial mesothelioma is asbestos exposure. Inhalation of asbestos fibers can damage different portions of your body. Similar to other mesothelioma forms, symptoms of pericardial mesothelioma can take ten to fifteen years to show up. If you have been diagnosed with this disease, you will find cancerous tissues around the heart lining. The pericardium plays a vital part in body functioning especially when it comes to protecting your heart.


Tissue expansion and fluid accumulation will happen when there is a fast growth of the cancerous tumors. The fluid can have a negative impact on the proper functioning of your heart causing irregular heartbeat and chest pain. When you complain of chest pain, you are going to be diagnosed. Some of the less common symptoms of this disease are cough, fever, fatigue and shortness of breath.

Individuals suffering from pericardial mesothelioma can exhibit all three types of mesothelioma cancer cells. It includes epithelioid mesothelioma, biphasic mesothelioma and sarcomatoid mesothelioma. Your prognosis can be affected by the kind of cancer cells. Recent study has come to the conclusion that individuals with biphasic mesothelioma cancer cells normally have a shorter life expectancy.


Cancer surgery is not a good option for individuals that are diagnosed with pericardial mesothelioma. Prognosis for patients of pericardial mesothelioma is grim and often palliative treatment is an only option available for them. By opting for this treatment, your overall life quality is going to improve. Another good thing about this treatment is that it decreases the complexity of symptoms that happen because of fluid buildup in the pericardium. To get rid of excess fluid, there is a strong possibility that fine needle routine can be implemented. Radiation therapy can also play a significant part in removing excess fluid.


Accurate and quick pericardial mesothelioma diagnosis is tough because of the non-specificity of the symptoms. To diagnose this form of cancer, your health care provider needs to take into consideration your symptoms, past medical record and current medical state. In the initial stage, all the focus is on the medical records and conducting physical examination.

To evaluate the exact location of cancer, your health care provider will conduct plenty of imaging tests. MRI tests are the way to go if you are looking to get an idea of cancer stage. The diagnosis of pericardial mesothelioma ends with a biopsy. The main objective of doing biopsy is to get a proper understanding of the cancer origin point.

While there is still no cure for mesothelioma cancer, the forms of treatment and care are being worked on so that the life expectancy of patients can increase. New and improved methods of treatments are being tested to work on the quality of patient's life and reduce pain.

How Do You Treat Pericardial Mesothelioma?

Of all the cancers caused by asbestos dust (mesothelioma), pericardial mesothelioma is the most rare, accounting for a fraction of all cases (5%). It is a cancer that grows on the pericardium (the lining of the heart). This is a delicate 'film', and any infection on the pericardium can have deadly consequences.

Once an individual has been diagnosed with pericardial mesothelioma they are offered three different treatment options. These are radiation, surgery and chemotherapy. Pericardial mesothelioma is extremely difficult to treat (due to the intricacies involved in removing the tumours from the pericardium), and a patient's chances of survival are slim. All three methods have a poor success rate mainly due to the fact that pericardial mesothelioma is detected in the mature stages of development. (The reason for this is because in the early stages of the cancer the symptoms resemble those of diseases such as pneumonia). The prognosis for a patient undergoing treatment at this point (mature stage) is usually less than a year.

Before treatment, the patient requires a doctor's evaluation in order to determine which of the three treatments are suitable for him/her. Details such as age, weight, medical history, and general well-being are considered prior to the commencement of treatment. So, how do you treat pericardial mesothelioma?

Radiation - As with all cancer treatments that use this method, large doses of radiation are used to kill the cancerous cells on the pericardium. The downside to radiation treatment is that not only are you killing off the cancerous cells, but you are also damaging the vital organs in close proximity to the heart, namely the lungs. The heart also gets damaged (due to the large doses of radiation).

Surgery - We can break this down into two parts; aggressive surgery and palliative procedures. Aggressive surgery involves the removal of the cancerous cell. Since these are very close to the heart and lungs, this makes it an extremely precarious procedure and one that requires an extremely skilled surgeon.

Palliative procedures are used in the latest of stages of pericardial mesothelioma and serve the sole purpose of reducing the symptoms. Usually at this stage the cancer is practically incurable.

Chemotherapy - This is the most widely-used of cancer therapies which involves the use of drugs to kill the cancerous cells. Unfortunately, the majority of drugs used have a low success rate with pericardial mesothelioma. Research is being conducted to come up with a cocktail of drugs that have a more favourable outcome.

There does exist another form of treatment which involves using all three aforementioned treatment options. It is known as Dual Therapy. Surgery is used to remove the cancerous cells, then chemotherapy and radiation are used to kill the remaining cells. The success rate for this method is higher than just using radiation, surgery or chemotherapy alone, but can still be dangerous.

The Facts About Pericardial Mesothelioma

Pericardial mesothelioma is a very rare form of mesothelioma and accounts for approximately 5% of all mesothelioma cases. This form of mesothelioma affects the lining that surrounds the heart and is a deadly cancer if not treated agressively in its early stages.

The cause of pericardial mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos dust and fibres. As little as a couple of months of exposure to asbestos fibres can lead to pericardial mesothelioma between 30-50 years later. Due to this long latency period of the disease, it is very difficult to diagnose before the cancer has developed and matured fully. Those suffering from mesothelioma are elderly men aged 60-70 because this was the generation that worked with asbestos with little protection from its dust and fibres. The symptoms of the cancer have just started to show for these men due to the long time that the effects of mesothelioma take to come out. Many of these men are now lodging multi-million dollar lawsuits against the companies who exposed them to asbestos without sufficient protection. Asbestos fibres reach the lining of the heart by being inhaled and then getting lodged in the lungs. From the lungs they can either move into the lymphatic system and get transported to the lining of the heart or they can just pass slowly to the lining of the heart over time. Over a long period of time being exposed to asbestos, these fibres build up and once enough have accumilated in the lining heart, pericardial mesothelioma is a possibility.

There are a number of symptoms assosiated with pericardial mesothelioma. However, these are only felt when the cancer has matured and is in its late stages of development. These symptoms include, persistent coughing, shortness of breath, chest pain and palpitations. Other symptoms typical of all types of mesothelioma include loss of appetite, nausea and weight loss. Anyone who recognises that they have these symptoms or know someone who does then is encouraged by all leading medical advisors to seek medical help immediately. For more information on the symptoms of pericardial mesothelioma go to []

There is no certain cure to pericardial mesothelioma and all of the treatment methods used have a poor success rate. The chances of survival of a patient depend strongly on how early and aggressively the cancer is treated. This is why it is important to receive a diagnosis for pericardial mesothelioma as soon as possible. Treatment methods include chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery. More information on these methods of treatment can be found at []

Research into cures for pericardial mesothelioma is being conducted in labs all over the United States and many pharmaceutical companies are also investigating new drugs. As yet, research has only discovered a limited amount.

Pericardial Mesothelioma Treatment and Information

Pericardial mesothelioma is the cancer that affects the pericardium of the heart. The disease is mostly associated with those that are exposed to asbestos-related environment. It is not known exactly how the asbestos particles get embedded on the membranous lining of heart. But believed that asbestos particles mostly travel from lungs through the bloodstream into the heart. Once these particles get embedded, it becomes difficult to remove them from body. These particles affect changes inside the pericardium eventually causing uncontrolled cell growth. With the growth of cancerous cells inside the pericardial membrane, the membrane gets filled with excess fluid exerting pressure on the heart and creating various symptoms and also intervenes with the function of heart.

Common warning symptoms of a pericardial mesothelioma:

* Intense chest pain

* Irregular heartbeat and palpitations

* Difficulty in breathing

* Continuous coughing

* Fatigue with little exertion

However, the symptoms vary with patients as well as with the stages of this disease. A thorough history of the patient is essential to arrive at the correct diagnosis.

Tests and Diagnoses:

It is difficult to have correct diagnosis of the pericardial mesothelioma as the symptoms coincide with other conditions as well. Apart from medical history, some examinations need to be undertaken such as series of imaging tests to determine the exact location and nature of the pericardial mesothelioma. However, the final stage of this cancer is only determined by a biopsy. Either fluid is removed from the pericardium or some tissue is taken and studied under lens.

Treatment Of Pericardial Mesothelioma

If the Pericardial Mesothelioma is in its early stages, then surgical removal of localized tumors is opted. However, it is associated with greater risk because of its proximity with heart. However, not all cases can be treated with surgery. In most cases, due to advanced stages of this disease, palliative treatment remains the only option. This approach helps to improve the quality of living of those enduring pericardial mesothelioma. Chemotherapy is not a viable option in this case.

Latest Treatment

Research is still underway to find cure for this deadly disease. Several studies and clinical trials are in progress to find ways to increase the lifespan of the cancer patients. Alternative therapies such as yoga, massage, acupuncture, nutritional supplements and meditation coupled with either gene therapy or immunotherapy can be beneficial.

Pericardial Mesothelioma: A Concise Definition

Mesothelioma is a cancer of the epithelium that lines the lungs, the abdomen, or the heart. Pericardial Mesothelioma is the cancer of the lining of the heart, known as the pericardium, hence the name pericardial mesothelioma.

This rare form of mesothelioma accounts for small percentage of all cases, roughly 5%. The pericardium has an extremely important role as it protects the heart from any damage. Should an individual become afflicted with this cancer, they should take it very seriously and seek specialized medical attention. If left untreated during the early stages of diagnosis, it can become a terminal illness with a very low survival rate.

As with all forms of mesothelioma, pericardial mesothelioma is caused by inhaling asbestos. Those who are most at risk are construction workers and asbestos manufacturers. The wearing of a protective mask can help to minimize the inhalation of asbestos dust in to the lungs (since the asbestos fibres get lodged in the lungs). If you have noticed, the majority of workers aren't properly protected when working on construction sites - even in industrialized nations such as the United States. One would expect to see otherwise, thinking that companies follow OSHA directives. That isn't the case all the time.

During the middle of the 20th century (roughly between 1950-1970) asbestos was one of the most popular building materials, and scores of young men were exposed to it. Now, in the 21st century (some 50 years later - the latency period of pericardial mesothelioma), these young men who are now over 60 years of age are beginning to exhibit the symptoms of pericardial mesothelioma. As a result, multi-million dollar lawsuits are being filed against the companies that employed them.

The problem with pericardial mesothelioma is that its symptoms only start appearing in the cancer's latest stages, making it even more difficult to treat. The main symptoms are shortness of breath, palpitations, chest pains and a persistent cough. Other symptoms of pericardial mesothelioma include nausea, weight loss and loss of appetite. Another problem with these symptoms is that they are similar to those of pneumonia (shortness of breath), and this tends to lead to the wrong treatment being administered to an individual afflicted with pericardial mesothelioma.

Treatment options for pericardial mesothelioma include chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, and dual therapy. The survival rate is extremely low, and it is important to stress that one's chances of healing are increased should treatment commence in the early stages of diagnosis.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma and Symptoms

It can be tricky to search for or diagnose mesothelioma. The reason for this is due to the fact that symptoms may or may not show for years after exposure to asbestos. There are some state of the art screening projects that can be done to catch mesothelioma in its early stages. It is found in only about one out of a million people, this is nothing compared to the everyday lung cancer, but being exposed to smoking can actually cause a greater risk for contracting mesothelioma. A combination of asbestos exposure and smoking is a terribly hazardous environment indeed. Researchers do claim that smoking on its own has not been proven to cause the disease. common Symptoms we see for mesothelioma can include shortness of breath, coughing, heavy chest pains, losing weight, swelling and pain of the abdomen, fever, bowel obstruction, jaundice, blood clotting problems, anemia, general pain, difficulty swallowing, coughing up of blood, low blood sugar can occur, swelling of the neck and face. These different symptoms might not all occur at the same times. There can be different levels and stages to the development of the disease, There are a couple different variations of the disease. Pleural mesothelioma is the more common one, and there is also peritoneal mesothelioma.

All the symptoms of mesothelioma can be caused by other medical problems that aren't quite as severe as mesothelioma itself. This is one thing that makes it very hard to actually diagnose patients with this rare form of cancer. There are actually other chemicals that can cause mesothelioma besides asbestos. If a person has had exposure to one of these harmful chemicals it is only natural to suspect mesothelioma.There is need for a full physical evaluation. The next step usually taken has do with an x-ray and lung capacity test. The physician will want to test any fluid that is building up in the chest cavity. There will be an extensive examination performed on the fluid itself.

There are a few ways that mesothelioma can be treated. There are the traditional radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Also surgery might be the best option depending on the situation. There are several possibilities and combinations that depend upon the severity of this rare cancer known as mesothelioma. If you believe that you have mesothelioma you must realize that it is far more likely that you have a much less serious problem with the same symptoms.

However, if you do have these symptoms you must get checked out right away. The sooner you can get the medical help needed better off you will be. There have been many scientific advances in the medical world that can help you get you life back on track to where you want to be.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma Treatment

Peritoneal mesothelioma treatment depends upon a number of factors, such as the size and stage of cancer cells, the patient's general condition and health, past medical history of the patient and the patient's age. Peritoneal mesothelioma is the cancer of the membrane in the abdomen. As with all cancer diseases, premature detection and treatment provides the best possible result.

Peritoneal mesothelioma treatments are classified into localized treatments and systemic treatments. Systemic treatments are whole body treatments like chemotherapy. Localized treatments include surgery and radiotherapy.

Surgical treatment is often not practical in the case of peritoneal mesothelioma. If the growth of cancer cell is found very early, it may be possible to remove tumor by operation. The peritoneal mesothelioma surgery is known as a peritonectomy. The surgery involves cutting out the peritoneum, the lining of the abdomen where the mesothelioma has started growing. Sometimes it is needed to remove a lung or part of the diaphragm, for the surgery to succeed in removing the afflicted cell.

Radiation therapy or radiotherapy uses high energy rays (like x-rays) to kill cancer cells in the affected area. There are several ways to administer radiotherapy and each one breaks down the cancer cells so that they may be eliminated from the body. The general method includes a machine kept outside the body, which produces radiation. Another method is by placing a radiation-emitting device directly to the affected cell by way of plastic tubes. In addition to controlling radiation, doctors use these tubes to inject the required drugs.

Chemotherapy for peritoneal mesothelioma controls symptoms and tries to slow the cancer down. This therapy is used to kill mesothelioma cells by injecting anti-cancer drugs that are usually injected into a vein. Medicines can be administered in tablet form. Depending on the type of medicine used, the treatment can be applied weekly or every two to three weeks.

Peritoneal mesothelioma does not always respond to traditional mesothelioma treatment ways. Physicians and researchers are constantly working to improve upon the existing peritoneal mesothelioma treatment.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma - Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

Peritoneal mesothelioma is a type of mesothelioma which occurs in 10% to 20% of all mesothelioma cases. This type of mesothelioma is developed into peritoneum which is the protective covering around abdominal cavity and its organs. In peritoneal mesothelioma, peritoneum becomes cancerous in nature due to the rapid proliferation of cancerous cells.

How Peritoneal Mesothelioma Causes?

But the question is that what causes cancerous cells proliferation in protective lining of mesothelium? The answer is 'asbestos fibers'. Yes its asbestos exposure which causes the ultimate formation of cancerous tumors in mesothelium (peritoneum). Asbestos fibers enter the human body either by inhalation or by ingestion and approaches to peritoneum. Here these fibers get trapped and find no way to come out. After passing one or two decades these fibers start their destructive activities and bring changes in the nature of peritoneum. This change occurs in the form of irritation and inflammation which further increases to produce cancerous cells. Once these cells produce they start dividing rapidly which results in the thickening of peritoneum and fluid formation around it. As the quantity of fluid increase it starts putting pressure on abdominal organ and patient starts showing symptoms as persistent abdominal pain or lump formation under skin on abdominal region.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma Symptoms

Various symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include:

* Abdominal Pain

* Abdominal Swelling

* Lump Formation in Abdominal Region

* Weight Loss

* Anemia

* Fatigue

* Nausea

* Vomiting or Fever

Due to the slow process of cancer development which starts decades ago from lodging few asbestos fibers on peritoneum to excessive fluid formation, cancer cells proliferation and layer thickening it takes almost 20 to 50 years for a patient to demonstrate these symptoms because no mesothelioma symptom arises after initial asbestos exposure in any case.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma Diagnosis

Diagnosis of peritoneal mesothelioma starts with the physical examination to find out the reason for symptoms patient is demonstrating persistently. The complete overview of patient's history is also taken into account to trace the presence of asbestos exposure. Other diagnostic techniques include taking images of internal body organs through various imaging methods. X rays, MRI and CT scan are commonly applied techniques to take these cross sectional images of internal body organs. Minor biopsy can also be considered in order to take sample of fluid building around peritoneum. This sample is tested in laboratory to confirm the presence of cancerous cells in the body.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma Treatment

The treatment options available for the patient of peritoneal mesothelioma include:

1- Radiotherapy (using radiations to destroy cancer tumor)

2- Chemotherapy (injecting medicine directly to damaged part for instant and deep affect)

3- Surgery (removing affected parts completely)

In some cases radiotherapy is used to shrink the cancer tumor before surgery and then chemotherapy is applied to inject medicine directly into peritoneum after surgery. In this way combination of treatment options can be applied to destroy the cancer tumor and to stop the process of cancer cell proliferation.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma -- The Cancer Of Abdominal Lining

One of the fatal types of mesothelioma is Peritoneal Mesothelioma in which the cancerous cells attack the lining of the abdomen called Peritoneum. Peritoneum is the thin membrane, which shields various organs of the abdomen and also provides a lubricating fluid to enable the organs to move and work properly. Peritoneal Mesothelioma, which affects this lining, is yet now a relatively rare disease that accounts for about 1/5 of all mesotheliomas. Its only known cause in the U.S. till date is previous exposure to asbestos.

Major symptoms

Though Mesothelioma is neither age nor sex specific, peritoneal Mesothelioma is mostly seen in men who are in the age group of 50-70 years. There are a number of symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma most of which start appearing after 20, 30 or 50 years after the exposure to asbestos. These symptoms may include weight loss (however, waist line may increase), pain or swelling in the abdomen, weakness, loss of appetite, bowel obstruction, anemia, nausea and fever. Also, fluid often accumulates in the peritoneal space leading to a condition called Ascites.

Diagnosis of peritoneal mesothelioma

The initial step towards detection of peritoneal mesothelioma includes X-rays and CT scans. For confirmed diagnosis, however the doctor needs to do biopsy whereby a piece of tissue is cut from the affected part of the victim's body and is placed under microscope for examination. If the disease is detected at an early stage it stands better chance of getting cured than the state of diffuse peritoneal mesothelioma, where the cancer has already spread to various parts.

The cure

It's true that peritoneal mesothelioma is fatal and leads to several deaths every year. However, with continued researches, several modes of treatments have been embarked upon and in the future there is a fair chance of the disease becoming absolutely curable. The types of treatment of peritoneal mesothelioma include surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

In surgery a part of the abdominal tissue is cut out to remove the tumor. At times the doctor may also need to remove a lung or a portion of the diaphragm as per the requirement of the surgery. Radiation therapy, the second method, requires the application of high energy X-rays to shrink the tumor and kill the malignant cells. The rays may be applied from an external machine or by placing the radiation source directly to the affected part of the body, by means of plastic tubes. Last treatment type is the chemotherapy whereby a combination of drugs is applied to kill the cancer cells. The drugs may be administered by mouth in the capsule form or may be applied intravenously via needle.

However, it is essential to mention that cost of treating any form of cancer is extravagant and you may consult a mesothelioma lawyer to earn you a handsome compensation from the authority who was responsible for your prior exposure to asbestos.

Mesothelioma - All About It

Mesothelioma also commonly referred to as malignant mesothelioma, is an odd type of cancer which grows in the protective lining which shells most of the body's inner organs, the mesothelium. The cancer is as a result of exposure to asbestos.

The cancer usually develops on the pleura (i.e. the exterior lining of the lungs as well as interior chest barrier). Nonetheless, the cancer can also grow in the peritoneum (the coating of the abdominal cavity), the tunica vaginalis (a bag which environs the testis) or the pericardium (i.e. the pouch which surrounds the heart).

A majority of individuals who acquire mesothelioma have at one point in their lives worked on professions where they breathed in asbestos as well as glass specks, or were exposed to asbestos dust along with fiber by other means. It has also been shown that cleaning the garments of family members who worked with asbestos can put the person doing the laundry at risk of suffering from mesothelioma. While it is true that smoking can enhance one's chances of suffering from other types of asbestos-stimulated cancers, there is no medical proof to show that there is a link between mesothelioma and smoking. Individuals who have been subjected to asbestos have already accumulated harm for asbestos-related illnesses which include mesothelioma. Payments from asbestos funds or litigation are a critical matter in law practices concerning mesothelioma.

The signs that someone is suffering from malignant mesothelioma consist of shortness of breath as a result of pleural effusion (i.e. the fluid in-between the lung and chest barrier) or chest barrier pain, on top of general signs, for example, weight loss. The diagnosis can be identified with chest x-rays coupled with CT scan, and is verified with a biopsy (tissue test) on top of microscopic analysis. A thoracoscopy (this is where a tube with a camera is inserted into the chest) can be utilized to get biopsies. It enables the insertion of substances, for instance, talc to destroy the pleural space (known as pleurodesis), that deters more fluid from gathering and surging on the lung. In spite of therapy with chemotherapy, radiation and at times surgery, the mesothelioma has a bleak prognosis. Studies regarding screening examinations for the early prognosis of mesothelioma are still going on.

Signs and Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of mesothelioma might not show until twenty or fifty years after the initial exposure to asbestos. Shortness of breath, coughing and aches in the chest, as a result of gathering of fluid in the pleural space, are some of the most common signs of pleural mesothelioma.

Signs of peritoneal mesothelioma are weight loss, intestinal swelling along with aches as a result of ascites (this refers to accumulation of fluid in the intestinal cavity). Other signs of peritoneal mesothelioma might include bowel blockade, anemia, blood clotting irregularities as well as fever. In case the cancer has spread further than the mesothelium to other areas of the body, signs might be aches, issues with ingesting, or swelling of neck or face.

These signs might be triggered by mesothelioma or by other disorders that are less grave.

Mesothelioma which touches on the pleura can create the following signs and symptoms:

- Chest barrier aches.

- Coughing, wheezing and hoarseness.

- Exhaustion or anemia.

- Difficulties in breathing.

- Pleural effusion (i.e. fluids which environs the lung).

- Traces of blood in the sputum coughed out.

In acute cases, the individual might have numerous tumor heaps. The person might also develop a pneumothorax (collapsing of the lung). Over time, the illness can metastasize or spread to other areas of the body.

Tumors which affect the intestinal cavity frequently do not trigger signs till they are at a later stage. The signs and symptoms might include:

- Intestinal aches.

- Weight loss.

- Issues with bowel movements.

- A load in the abdomen.

- Uncharacteristic accumulation of fluid in the belly.

In acute cases of illness, the following signs and symptoms might show:

- Acute ascites.

- Low blood sugar level.

- Pleural effusion.

- Clotting of the blood in the veins which may in turn trigger thrombophlebitis.

- Disseminated intravascular coagulation. In a layman's term, this refers to a condition resulting in acute bleeding in numerous body organs.

- Jaundice. This refers to the yellowing of the eyes as well as the skin.

- Clotting of the blood in the arteries of the lungs.

Unlike other types of cancers, mesothelioma does not normally invade the brain, adrenal glands or the bone. Pleural tumors are normally located on one side of the lungs.

What causes mesothelioma?

The main cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos. In the U.S., asbestos is the main cause of malignant mesothelioma and is regarded as "incontrovertibly" related to the growth of mesothelioma.

Dealing With Mesothelioma

Internal organs of human body are protected by a covering best known as mesothelium sac. In actuality there are two layers of this covering, one is the immediate covering of the organs and the other covers the organs like a sac. This layer gets different names according to the organ it covers.

Mesothelioma derives its name from this membrane cover. This is a highly dangerous cancer which generally attacks the lungs and chest of the patient. During inhalation a person takes in large amounts of Asbestos which is in the form of dust particles. These particles attack the lungs in the very first instance. Mesothelium membrane which covers the lungs is known as pleura. Mesothelioma generally has its roots in pleura. Cancerous cells found in mesothelium multiply rapidly.

Mesothelioma is mostly found in men. Men, who have been exposed to Asbestos for a number of years, become easy prey to the disease. Risk of contracting the disease grows with age. People who have been working in places like underground coal mines, gold and diamond mines, mills, shipyards and manufacturing units where high quantities of Asbestos is used in manufacturing, are more prone to this type of cancer.

It is always a shock to know that someone known to you has contracted mesothelioma. Once the truth is known to you, it is advisable to contact the nearest mesothelioma law firm in your area. It is necessary to have a lawyer because treatment for mesothelioma is expensive. A good law firm can help you out of your critical financial situation by getting you compensation from the place of work from where the disease was contracted.

Treatment for mesothelioma depends upon the age of the patient, place where the cancerous cells have been found, and level of disease. A doctor may advice the members of the family to have their relative undergo chemotherapy, surgery or radio therapy. At times if the problem is found in much worsened state, all the treatments might be required in unison. Some people prefer to go for herbal medicines, vitamins, peptides, minerals and amino acids etc.

The US Occupational Safety and Health Administration allows certain amount of ASBESTOS to be used at workplaces. The amount is below danger mark. Companies which do not adhere to these norms can be penalized. Patients, Patients' families and their Lawyers can file a case against these companies because these companies have caused contraction of this disease. Companies have paid heavy compensation for their neglect.

Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma: A Silent Killer

Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is the most typical cancer within the pleura (area encircling the lungs). It is definitely an abnormal as well as steady division of mesothelial cells which encompass a large section of the pleural area. A powerful causal affiliation with asbestos subjection is clearly established. Different presentations of this disorder are also reported, although seldom.

Malignant pleural mesothelioma is an uncommon neoplasm for which the key risk cause is former asbestos exposure. During the past 10 years, there has been progress around the diagnosis, staging as well as biology of mesothelioma. In addition, treatment for this killer is still greatly controversial which enable it to range from supportive (palliative) care by itself up to aggressive multidimensional therapy. Calculating this, potential scientific tests within cautiously staged patients are essential to see what approaches to management could achieve the best survival rate.

At this time, chest tube drainage via a tube positioned within the chest cavity and pleurodesis, "a procedure which brings about the linings around the lung to stay together and prevents the increase of fluid", is believed to be the most typical of comfort care treatment for malignant pleural Mesothelioma. Fluid build-up, or pleural effusion, is often the first indication of this grave condition which normally causes the patient to seek medical intervention. Once this effusion has taken place, it is usually obstinate and comes back rapidly subsequent to an original thoracentesis (draining of the fluid). In efforts to get rid of this dilemma, the pleural space must be closed by means of a procedure called pleurodesis. This procedure involves using a "talc slurry" or other sclerosing factor which makes the sticking outcome talked about previously.

As stated, malignant pleural Mesothelioma is an aggressive thoracic malignancy affiliated with contact with asbestos, also its incidence is predicted to increase during the first part of this century. Chemotherapy will be mainstay of any aggressive treatment of the disease, nevertheless there does exist ample confirmation to verify that this standard of care has come forth just in the past 5 years. Experimental clinical trials of second-line and distinctive agents are emerging from an improved comprehension from the mesothelioma cell make-up. These tests, together with high-quality translational examination have revealed that many developments possess a real potential to improve the outlook of sufferers at a time of an increasing incidence.

Please do not forget that malignant pleural Mesothelioma will be the most frequently recognized kind of any malignant mesothelioma. That said, numerous factors are used in determining the survival rate because of this aggressive cancer and some are better understood than others. Estimates of average survival times of this population vary from one to 2 years furthermore these averages depend on a variety of underlying criteria including the type and extent of spread belonging to the mesothelioma. Based on recent figures, persons recognized with malignant pleural Mesothelioma, only have a 7 percent survival time to 5 years following diagnosis. However, this outlook is increasingly improving in the midst of some promising investigational management and several will survive well beyond the stated five years from the point of diagnosis.

Of note is the truth that no reports have included formal dealings of quality of life matters when keeping track of the survival rates for this population plus a small number of scientific studies have reported regarding strategies involved to rate symptom control as well. Palliative radiation treatment may offer symptom treatment and increased quality of life (QOL) for these sufferers.

In review, malignant pleural Mesothelioma (MPM) is the most common neoplasm of the pleura (area around the lungs). It entails an irregular proliferation of mesothelial cells that incorporates a large part of the pleural space. A powerful causal connection to asbestos exposure is well proven. It is the most often recognized type of any malignant mesothelioma as well as includes a survival time of approximately 2 years after diagnosis. Nevertheless, breakthroughs in the treatment and control of this debilitating disease can increase survival rate to above five years and in some cases longer. In other terms, there is hope.