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Peritoneal Mesothelioma and Symptoms

It can be tricky to search for or diagnose mesothelioma. The reason for this is due to the fact that symptoms may or may not show for years after exposure to asbestos. There are some state of the art screening projects that can be done to catch mesothelioma in its early stages. It is found in only about one out of a million people, this is nothing compared to the everyday lung cancer, but being exposed to smoking can actually cause a greater risk for contracting mesothelioma. A combination of asbestos exposure and smoking is a terribly hazardous environment indeed. Researchers do claim that smoking on its own has not been proven to cause the disease. common Symptoms we see for mesothelioma can include shortness of breath, coughing, heavy chest pains, losing weight, swelling and pain of the abdomen, fever, bowel obstruction, jaundice, blood clotting problems, anemia, general pain, difficulty swallowing, coughing up of blood, low blood sugar can occur, swelling of the neck and face. These different symptoms might not all occur at the same times. There can be different levels and stages to the development of the disease, There are a couple different variations of the disease. Pleural mesothelioma is the more common one, and there is also peritoneal mesothelioma.

All the symptoms of mesothelioma can be caused by other medical problems that aren't quite as severe as mesothelioma itself. This is one thing that makes it very hard to actually diagnose patients with this rare form of cancer. There are actually other chemicals that can cause mesothelioma besides asbestos. If a person has had exposure to one of these harmful chemicals it is only natural to suspect mesothelioma.There is need for a full physical evaluation. The next step usually taken has do with an x-ray and lung capacity test. The physician will want to test any fluid that is building up in the chest cavity. There will be an extensive examination performed on the fluid itself.

There are a few ways that mesothelioma can be treated. There are the traditional radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Also surgery might be the best option depending on the situation. There are several possibilities and combinations that depend upon the severity of this rare cancer known as mesothelioma. If you believe that you have mesothelioma you must realize that it is far more likely that you have a much less serious problem with the same symptoms.

However, if you do have these symptoms you must get checked out right away. The sooner you can get the medical help needed better off you will be. There have been many scientific advances in the medical world that can help you get you life back on track to where you want to be.

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